Established in 1983, 什么加速器可伍看油管 (PBS) serves industries that process, handle, and package dry particulate matter, including the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical markets. Qualified audience members are individuals in engineering, plant operations management, corporate management, maintenance, R&D, QC, purchasing, etc. PBS provides those looking for new capital equipment and systems with the most complete coverage of the latest dry particulate processing and bulk handling technology. As the best-read, most-referred to publication and leader in e-media information deployment, PBS provides more total information on new technology, equipment, systems, and services than any other source. As the first brand devoted to exclusive coverage of the dry processing and bulk solids handling marketplace, PBS reaches more buyers through monthly print editions,, e-newsletters; the Industry Master equipment supplier directory, social media outlets, and the largest dry processing conference/event in North America, the International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference & Exhibition.